Special Weather Statement – Thursday 01 March 2018

                          Special weather statement in effect for: Jackhead Res. Moose Creek Prov. Forest Pine Dock and Matheson Island Mun. of Bifrost-Riverton incl. Arborg Hnausa and Hecla Peguis Res. and Fisher River Res. R.M. of Fisher incl. Poplarfield R.M. of Grahamdale incl. Gypsumville Moosehorn…


Merry Christmas

May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright New Year. Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! – Interlake Reserves Tribal Council Board of Directors, Management & Staff


Information Session – Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation

INFORMATION SESSION CONCERNING THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION PLANS OF THE LAKE MANITOBA AND LAKE ST. MARTIN OUTLET CHANNELS You are invited to attend an information session hosted by the Interlake Reserves Tribal Council. Representatives from the Government of Manitoba will be in attendance to present the province’s proposed plans for the construction of the Lake Manitoba and…


Information Session – Pinaymootang First Nation

INFORMATION SESSION CONCERNING THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION PLANS OF THE LAKE MANITOBA AND LAKE ST. MARTIN OUTLET CHANNELS You are invited to attend an information session hosted by the Interlake Reserves Tribal Council. Representatives from the Government of Manitoba will be in attendance to present the province’s proposed plans for the construction of the Lake Manitoba and…


IRTC & Sigfusson Northern Ltd sign Joint Venture Agreement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 27, 2017 – Winnipeg, Manitoba The Interlake Reserves Tribal Council (IRTC) has just signed a Joint Venture agreement with Sigfusson Northern Ltd supported by all six Member First Nation communities for future construction project considerations. “We see this signing as a strategic one with the ability to build further capacity and…


For Immediate Release – Sept 29

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 27, 2017 (Winnipeg, Manitoba) The Interlake Reserves Tribal Council (IRTC) is deeply saddened by the loss of Evan Caron on September 23, 2017. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this time. IRTC requests that the media respect the privacy of Evan’s family during their time of profound grief.…


Weather Alert – 2:14pm September 19, 2017

Watches 10:25 AM CDT Tuesday 19 September 2017 Severe thunderstorm watch in effect for: Jackhead Res.Moose Creek Prov. Forest Pine Dock and Matheson IslandMun. of Bifrost-Riverton incl. Arborg Hnausa and HeclaPeguis Res. and Fisher River Res.R.M. of Fisher incl. PoplarfieldR.M. of Grahamdale incl. Gypsumville Moosehorn and CamperR.M. of West Interlake incl. Eriksdale and Ashern Conditions…


News Release – Consultation Agreement Signed With Manitoba

MANITOBA AND INTERLAKE RESERVES TRIBAL COUNCIL SIGN CONSULTATION AGREEMENT – – – Consultation Process Will Inform Decision-making on Project:  Clarke The Manitoba government has formally entered into an agreement with the Interlake Reserves Tribal Council (IRTC) that will allow them to consult, engage and discuss innovative ideas for the proposed Lake Manitoba Lake St. Martin…


Weather Alert – 3:34pm August 19, 2017

Watches 3:27 PM CDT Saturday 19 August 2017 Severe thunderstorm watch in effect for: Jackhead Res.Moose Creek Prov. Forest Pine Dock and Matheson IslandMun. of Bifrost-Riverton incl. Arborg Hnausa and HeclaPeguis Res. and Fisher River Res.R.M. of Fisher incl. PoplarfieldR.M. of Grahamdale incl. Gypsumville Moosehorn and CamperR.M. of West Interlake incl. Eriksdale and Ashern
