General Delivery
St. Martin, MB Canada R0C 2T0
T – (204) 659-4584
F – (204) 659-2071
Website – unavailable
INAC Profile: Click Here
Chief & Council (January 28, 2019-2021)
Chief: Hector Shorting
Councillor: Darrell Shorting
Councillor: Albert Shorting
Councillor: Raymond Sumner
Councillor: Leroy Thompson

Community Profile
This Ojibway Kasba Reservation community known as Little Saskatchewan (Sas-ka-chew-wa-niiz in Anishinabe), is located between Lakes Manitoba and Winnipeg, in Manitoba. Their population is 288 according to 2016’s census. It decreased from 2011’s population of 399, to 288 in a 5 year period. What caused this population decline was 2011’s floods. They have 97 dwellings with 72 lived in. Average household size is 4.1 persons per household. Ojibway is spoken by about 75 people at Little Saskatchewan First Nation.
- Band Office – 204.659.4677
- Health Centre & Jordan’s Principle – 204.659.5278
- Little Saskatchewan H.A.G.M.E. School – 204.659.2672