General Delivery
Fairford, MB Canada R0C 0X0
T – (204) 659-5705
F – (204) 659-2068
Website – unavailable
INAC Profile: Click Here
Chief & Council (2021-2023)
Chief: Kurvis Anderson
Councillor: Barry Anderson
Councillor: Brian Sanderson
Councillor: Blair Thompson
Councillor: Darlene Letandre
Councillor: John Sanderson

Community Profile
The Pinaymootang First Nation is situated 240 kilometers northwest of Winnipeg and about 40 kilometers north of Ashern. It is signatory to Treaty 2, signed on August 21, 1871. The reserve is designated as I.R. no. 50 with an area of 11,315 acres.
The native language is Ojibway. The population is at 2812; on-reserve 1233 and off-reserve of 1579. Approximately 50% of the on-reserve population is under 20 years of age.
The Chief and Council were recently elected in 2019 with a 2 year mandate under the Indian Act. 1 Chief and 6 Council members serve as leadership of Pinaymootang First Nation.
Community Services include a new Administration Office, School that accommodates N – 12 with an enrolment of 388, Fire/Police Protection Services, Daycare, Water plant, Arena, Gas Bar, Restaurant, Gaming Facilities, Band Hall, Church Hall, 3 Community Churches, Employment and Training Facility, Child and Family Services, Sewage/Garbage Disposal, Postal Services, Health Services, and a Family Wellness Camp.
The First Nation negotiated and signed its transfer agreement with the Minister of Health in December 1998 and is currently in the block funding model. Annual reporting and year-end audit reports are mandatory.
- Band Office – 204.659.5705
- Health Centre & Jordan’s Principle – 204.659.5786
- Pinaymootang School – 204.659.2045