IRTC Health staff meets and work with the communities and the FNIHB staff on health issues. The IRTC health staff also contributes to health fairs and baby shows during Treaty Days, and other cutlrual events such as Powwows, and Gospel events held throughout the year.
Meet with the IRTC communities and host Health Directors meetings for input and direction on First Nation health issues and how we will move forward with these issues.
Develop and foster alliances within the IRTC communities by networking together to enhance the health of the IRTC community membership.
Develop new forms of consultation based on research, on past and present tribal health consultation processes.
Provide public education and information sessions on health issues in the community.
Developing and fostering alliances with the community, Health Directors and Leadership to advance the health of the IRTC First Nation Membership by networking and assisting with community health and management issues.
On-going development of a new consultation process that will reflect community needs in regards to health. Continue to meet with Health Directors and Leadersehip to determine the best process including a different board structure/s.
Consultation with other First Nation Organizations to provide political advice and support to Leadership and the Health Board on issues that may affect the health of community IRTC membership.