The Home and Community Care Program is a coordinated system of services that enables First Nations people of all ages with disabilities, chronic or acute illnesses to receive needed care in their homes and communities.
Care is provided primarily through contribution agreements with First Nation communities and aims to equal services offered to other Canadians in similar geographical areas. Care is delivered primarily by home care registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and trained, certified health care aides.

Service delivery is based on assessed need and follows a case management process.
Essential services include:
- Client assessment
- Home care nursing
- Case management
- Home support (personal care and home management)
- In-home respite
- Linkages and referral to other health and social services
- Provision of and access to specialized medical equipment and supplies
- Record keeping and data collection
Additional services may be provided, depending on community needs and funding availability. Support services include, but are not limited to: rehabilitation and other therapies; adult day care; meal programs; in-home mental health; in-home palliative care; and specialized health promotion, wellness and fitness.