What is Mental Health/Wellness?
Mental health/wellness is about more than the absence of mental illness. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada,
Mental health is “the capacity of each and all of us to feel, think, and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face.”
Mental wellness is not about always being happy. It’s about being able to manage well in your daily life – in good and bad times.
According to the World Health Organization, “There is no health, without mental health”. When it comes to overall wellness, mental and physical health are so interrelated that is difficult to talk about one without considering the other.
Our mental health/wellness allows us to realize our potential, cope with stress effectively, bounce back from life challenges and be active, productive members of our communities.
It is important to keep in mind, that good mental health/wellness is not about avoiding problems or having the perfect life. Rather, it is about living well and feeling capable despite life’s challenges. Lifestyles that incorporate a holistic approach that focus on our physical, spiritual, emotional, social and intellectual health, place us in the best position to live a healthy, mentally well, life.
Some signs of good mental health include:
- knowing and taking pride in who you are
- enjoying life
- being able to form and maintain satisfying relationships
- coping with stress in a positive way
- striving to realize your potential
- having a sense of personal control
IRTC Mental Wellness program aims to implement evidence based “Recovery Oriented Approach” and its principles in providing community wellness supports. The program’s focus is to build capacity within 6 First Nation communities and build a network of support within each of the communities through partnership and collaboration with internal health programs, community agencies, regional health authority and other external agencies.
An important part of a more supportive context for mental health and wellness is a continuum of care that brings together the best of traditional and cultural approaches with western approaches and encompasses a range of fully integrated programs and services, including but not limited to:
- Culture and traditional healing
- Mental health and wellness literacy, promotion, prevention, capacity-building, education
- Life promotion (previously suicide prevention)
- Early identification and intervention
- Wrap-around supports, including aftercare
- Harm reduction
- Crisis response
- Trauma-specific services
- Trauma-informed person/family-centred treatment/services
- Coordination of care and care planning.
For detailed information, please contact:
- Marcie Tavares –Interim Wellness Coordinator [email protected]
- Outreach workers – TBA
For referrals: please fill out the referral form and email.
Referral Form: MWT referral form
Useful Contacts:
IERHA 24-hour Crisis Line – 1-204- 482-5419 / Toll Free: 1-866- 427-8628
IERHA Crisis Stabilization Unit 1-2041482-5361 / Toll Free: 1-888-482 -5361
IERHA Mobile Crisis Unit 1-204-482-5376/ Toll Free: 1-877-499-8770
MKO Mobile Crisis Response Team Toll Free: 1-844-927-LIFE (5433)
Youth Crisis Stabilization 1-888-383-2776
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness 1-855-242-331