Socio-Economic Survey – Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels project

Interlake Reserve Tribal Council (IRTC) is undertaking a socio-economic well-being research study in response to Manitoba Infrastructure’s proposed Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels project. The survey is for community members who are adults (ages 18+) from the following communities: • Dauphin River First Nation • Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation • Lake Manitoba First…


Congratulations to the newly elected Peguis Chief & Council

Interlake Reserves Tribal Council Inc. would like to welcome the newly elected leadership of Peguis First Nation; Chief Dr. Stan Bird, Councillor Kelvin Wilsin, Councillor Linda Sinclair, Councillor Mary Tyler Bear, Councillor Donna Sutherland, Councillor Dennis Cameron and Councillor Terrance Gyn Sinclair. Congratulations to the Chief and Council of Peguis First Nation!
